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Is Linux Really the Giant Killer?

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Who cares? What's important is the fantabulous opportunity for those who learn Linux or invest in "killer" software applications that run on Linux while the market is in its infancy.

This opportunity is simple "supply and demand" economics. Right now the demand for Linux skills is slowly, but steadily increasing. The availability of people who know Linux is a short supply. So are software applications for Linux. Ka-ching Ka-ching !!

Linux does have a lot going for it these days. Forget the fact that it's an open source operating system or that it has made major head way in acceptance by corporations and municipal organizations around the world. Last year a $36million software deal, which included a well known operating system, was cancelled by a European municipality. Instead, Linux and applications that run on Linux were were implemented at a much lower cost.

Now is the time to get in on the ground floor with developing Linux skills. The demand is going to increase for Linux skills. Opportunity will abound for IT people with these skills.

Why? Considering IBM and Hewlett Packard / Compaq have embraced Linux based applications into their product offerings, I would say it's just a matter of time for others to jump on board to make Linux mainstream in giving people other choices with a stable operating system.

More software applications are needed for Linux to soar. And they will come.

Money can definitely be made to those who invest time in learning Linux - even now, there is opportunity. Large profits are always made by those who specialize, not the "jack of all trades".

Do it NOW, before the market saturates - like it did for Novell and other operating systems.
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  1. Anonymous Says:
  2. Very Interesting Article.

    Where would one begin in obtaining Linux skills?

  3. Anonymous Says:
  4. Interesting areas I must say. Where would one start in developing such skills and in what capacity would they be used. Would you say that the growth of its use may increase in certain industries/markets or is it a general prediction. In addition how would you advise a consultancy to specialise in such an area?

  5. Carl E. Reid Says:
  6. Good questions. Linux skills could cover various areas, depending on what you feel most comfortable.
    1. Linux System Administrator would manage and support servers and desktops running Linux

    2. Linux Developer is going to be really hot, because there currently very few applications that run on Linux. So any software application you see running on Windows will need a counter part to run on Linux (i.e. Word Processors, spreadsheets, email apps, wireless apps etc.)

    3. Support / Training specialits will be needed for the end user community using Linux

    To get familiar with Linux and play with it, I recommend downloading a copy of some of the popular versions (i.e. Redhat, Debian, SUSE) from

    Since Linux is an operating system you will have to repartition your hard drive. Your hard drive can be made to dual boot both Linux or Windows.

    Playing with Linux will help you determine which aspect you wish to specialize in. Don't try to be a jack of all trades. People / Consultants who make the most money, are the ones that speciallize [just like doctors/lawyers/archtects etc]. Certainlay you want to topical in th various aspects of Linus, but specialze in one thing and become "the best" at it.


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