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Home Entertainment Market is Hot

Posted by Unknown Monday, February 27, 2006

June 4-6, 2006 is the Home Entertainment Show at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel in Los Angeles, CA.

Products manufactured for the audio/video home entertainment market, make it easier for people to reproduce movie theatre quality experiences. Many products require specialized knowledge to setup and operate. Something as simple as tuning the right TV picture coloration, may not be that straight forward.

In walks many opportunities for home entertainment professionals. There are various aspects to installing the home entertainment, which may not be obvious. Setting up a system requires consideration for room layout design, correct cabling as well as engineering skills. A project manager may need to be hired for elaborate home entertainment systems, which can cost upwards to over $200,000.

Long term analytical and problem solving skills also come into play. This insures a continuous source of referrals. The key is to design home entertainment systems which are scalable. How can the current system be expanded or modified when new technology comes out, with a minimal amount of expense?

This is a profitable niche market for "inspector gadget" types, who have a solid skill level in operating various audio/visual equipment. Training owners of home entertainment equipment means extra money, after the design and setup. Make sure you enjoy working with people, before making the plunge into this market. Your clients may not get it as easily or quickly as you. So, patience is a big plus to making this business profitable.

I would recommend bolstering your skills with some formal training. A starting point can be CNET's Home Entertainment Clinics. As with any industry, people who specialize always make more money, than those who generalize. Identify which products are in big demand, but few people have the required knowledge to setup and operate them.
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