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Web Site Developers Not Blogging? Think Again . . .

Posted by Unknown Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Over the last couple of years I have spoken to many associates who design web sites. I ask them if they are incorporating blogs into their client web site design strategies. Dead silence, a deep breath, a latent cough and then comes the questions from them. What's a blog? How does it work? What's the benefit to the client? Is it profitable?

Yesterday, there was a practical application news item about Walmart getting cozy with bloggers "Wal-Mart Enlists Bloggers in P.R. Campaign" By MICHAEL BARBARO

Steve Rubel presents ongoing stories of blogging as a "prime time" public relations and marketing tool, which compliments a web site.

Any web developers need help incorporating blogs into their web designs? Do you want your client's web site to explode with visitors, which translates into more potential sales? Do you want more client referrals?

Adding a blog to a web site is definitely the way to go.

Post a comment, if you need assistance from a professional blogger.
Category 4_


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