Time is our most valuable commodity. If we don't place a value on our time, then people won't value it either. Over time we each gain a certain amount of expertise, which we usually give away for free. Then there are clients or customers who call on a whim for information, which benefits them or the profits of their company. After the call, we scratch our heads trying to figure out how we can recoup the time we lost by not charging for telephone time.
Wouldn't be nice, if we could charge for the time we spend on the telephone to provide useful information to people? How about being able to charge for exclusive vidcast, podcast, or eBooks, separate from the free ones we give away? How about charging people for valuable information you send in an email?
Ether is just what the doctor ordered. It provides an excellent medium for turning your telephone into a cash register.
A customer will dial your Ether Phone Number and Ether will call you at the number you selected. You can choose on the fly whether or not to actually take the call. For example, Ether will tell you that you have a customer ready to pay your rate of $90 for an hour and willing to wait 3 hours for a call back from you. You decide if you can talk to them immediately or another time.
Your earnings from calls and emails are deposited into your Ether account. You can either have the money sent to your bank account via Direct Deposit or you can request to have Ether send you a check. Ether is in beta test. You need to submit your email address to be cnsidered as a beta tester.
Ingenio provides a similiar service and they have been around for a awhile. So Ingenio is an alternative service provider to allow charging for your expertise, on the phone. You can get your telephone and email advisory consulting business up and running immediately, with Ingenio.
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to charge those friends who we listen to with mundane telephone talk? Maybe we will still have to just be a good friend and continue to just listen to our friends for free. We do not have to continue giving away information for free all the time.
Giving information away is always great for developing business and getting the word out about our business. Charging people who wish to monopolize our time with no consideration on the value of our time, is when we should charge for it.
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