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March 11, 2007 Starts Daylight Savings and Maybe Some Technology Issues

Posted by Unknown Wednesday, February 14, 2007

No your eyes are not playing tricks on you. March 11, 2007 starts daylights savings time a few weeks early.

On Monday August 8, 2005 President Bush signed into law a broad energy bill (Energy Policy Act of 2005) that will extend Daylight Saving Time by four weeks in 2007.

So turn your clocks ahead on Saturday March 10, 2007. Now you will be on time for Church.

Calm down. No reason to get all Year 2000 (Y2K) crazy, with anxiety attacks.

Edge Blog comes to the rescue with all the patches required to take care of internal clock settings for our technolgy tools, such as your Windows mobile phone. Edge Blog suggests making a list of time-dependant systems (copiers, fax machines ets.), applications, databases and devices. Prioritize the list based upon importance and impact if the device isn’t patched.

Below are some computer patches. Edge Blog has a more extensive list with a people adding more in the comments section of the same article.

Don't forget the Windows mobile phone patch


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