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Replace Incandescent Bulb with Fluorescent Bulb

Posted by Unknown Sunday, December 30, 2007

Thousands of hours of invention tweaking, by Thomas Edison and 125 years later, the U.S. Clean Energy Act of 2007 makes the incandescent light bulb go away in 2012. This bill was introduced by the U.S. House of Representatives and pass by the U.S. Senate in June of 2007.

In 2012 the 1st phase is for 100 watt and 75 watt incandescent light bulbs to be banned. By 2014 the 60 watt and 40 watt incandescent light bulbs will be banned.

The smart way is to start replacing each incandescent bulb, as they each go out, with a flourescent bulb. Click here for information on "How to Choose Energy Star Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs"

This new trend creates an awesome opportunity for money making fund raisers. Check out Light Bulbs America for details. Through their program you make approximately 40% profit on each fluorescent light bulb sold.

Check out the Energy Star web site to see if there are cash back rebates in your U.S. state for purchasing Energy Star approved compact fluorescent light bulbs.

ENERGY STAR Qualified CFL facts:

Expenditures ENERGY STAR Qualified Light Bulb (26-Watt CFL) Standard Incandescent Light Bulb (100-Watt bulb
Initial Investment$5$0.35
Energy Cost$20.80$80
Replacement Cost$0$3.38
Total Cost$25.80$83.73
+Based on 8,000-hour CFL life and 750 hour incandescent life
+NOTE: When comparing incandescent or halogen bulbs to ENERGY STAR qualified bulbs or fixtures, compare the light output or lumens and not Watts. Watts equal the energy used, not the amount of light.

Flourescent light bulbs, save money, last way longer and lower energy bills for ever consumer.

Walmart has jumped into saving energy with a marketing campaign to sell 100 million fluorescent bulbs to every customer.

The videos below show different aspects in replacing an incandescent bulb with a fluorescent.

Compact Fluorescent vs. Incandescent Light bulbs

Myron Ebell Debates Energy Efficient Light Bulbs (9/13/07)

Energy Efficient Light Bulb Comparison


  1. I am as concerned with our energy consumption as anyone... however... I am highly concerned with the provision in HR 6 that phases out incandescent light bulbs because I am one of the people who am highly sensitive to fluorescent lighting. The medical terms for this is "Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome" as coined by Helen Irlen at the the Irlen Institute (, or photophobia as it is known to optometrists. I am so sensitive to flourescent lighting that I can not work in a normal office and have had a problem getting this disability compensated even thought I have it well documented.

    This act is going to make it even harder for me to get a work place to agree with the modifications I need because it will be AGAINST THE LAW! I'm concerned enough to start a website to explore getting medical exceptions to this law.

    The only hope for people like me is that there is still time to get changes made before the phase in starts.

  2. Carl E. Reid Says:
  3. You bring up an excellent point, which I was not aware. I'll do some research, starting with your web site and Helen Irlen's site. I'll post an update regarding the HR 6 bill for consideration to be given to people with "Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome"


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