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Passphrase Smarter Than Password

Posted by Carl E. Reid, CSI Tuesday, November 8, 2016

With the Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook passwords leaks, I thought this might be a good tutorial to share with staff, to make your technology customer support team's job easier. Modify as you feel appropriate. 

How To Smartly Create Passwords 

  • Don't re-use passwords. One ultra-secure one won't be any good if someone finds it.
  • While combining upper and lower case passwords with numbers to alter a memorable word - M4rsin$pace - is often advised, these are more easily cracked than you might think
  • The best strategy advice is to create a memorable, PASSPHRASE sentence [don't use these samples]:  I$wimatTHEbeach2016 | "I am a $erious Winner in 2017" is better than "My name is John", and use the first letter of each word with punctuation: "Iaa$Wi2017"
  • Consider using a password manager such as 1Password, which generates and stores your secure passwords.
About the Author - 
click here to contact Carl

With corporate travels from the mail room to the board roomCarl E. Reid knows what it takes to be successful in the business arena. He has over 46 years of business experience, including 34 years as an information technology expert, 20 years as a business startup / career coach and 23 years as a successful entrepreneur. In addition to being founder of Savvy Intrapreneur, Carl has been a professional blogger and social media expert since 2004. In addition to being a sought after speaker, he publishes Library of Congress recognized blog  Carl has been published in "Network World" and "Computer Monthly" magazines, resulting in being a technology expert witness in court. 
Email: IGetSmart@SavvyIntrapreneur.comWeb:
Tel: 201-222-5390Twitter: @CarlEReid @Intrapreneur @iTechSpeak
Click here to view Carl's Amazon Author page


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