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Data Recovery Profit Center

Posted by Unknown Thursday, March 2, 2006

If business is a little sluggish or you need an idea for a new profit center, Entrepreneur Magazine has a no investment solution. AmeriVault is looking for partners and consultants to provide referrals for their data protection services.

A recent article in The Journal of New England Technology talks about a recent tactical strategy, with AmeriVault adding another data center in Chicago.

Although I'm not making an endorsement, this is still worth considering. AmeriVault has been around since 1998. It started its dealership program in 2005.

Data protection is better than buying insurance. Insurance replaces tangible items. Company information is priceless. These days, many companies are looking for alternative back up solutions. The best data protection solutions are those where the distance of stored data should be far away from the source of a disaster.
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