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"THE HUMAN SIDE OF TECHNOLOGY" for convenience, productivity, safety, profitability or fun. This is the place to be to keep your finger on the pulse in emerging technologies. When should you zig when everyone else zags? Where should you concentrate your time, money or effort to capitalize on the next technology tsunami? Stay tuned . . . -Published by SAVVY INTRAPRENEUR

Business Intelligence on How To Brand with Twitter

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, March 12, 2013 0 comments

Did you know Twitter engagement rates are higher on Saturday and Sunday? Below is an excellent infographic provided by Linchpin SEO, which provides the clues needed to crack the mystery of how to really engage people on Twitter.  

As I mention to my clients, having a social media presence is not enough. Converting social media presence into "influence" is the challenge. Social media Influence is what really translates into sales leads or referrals for sales conversions.

People do business with people they know, like and trust.  The hard question is how do we get Social media to emulate this basic human interaction. Engaging conversations with people, which makes those people share your value with others.

The question I suggest my clients ask themselves [as they look at each social media platform] is "Are we selling something or sharing something of value?" Sharing value is what people tune in to and VALUE is what people share.

The Linchpin SEO does an excellent job of teaching how, when and why engaging people builds personal and business brands.

Twitter Cheat Sheet
Twitter Cheat Sheet , an infographic by Linchpin Infographic Design

Back in 2007 our article Replace Incandescent Bulb with Fluorescent Bulb talked about how the U.S. Clean Energy Act of 2007 makes the incandescent light bulb go away, saves quite a bit of money on electric bills and creates awesome opportunities as the same time.  We failed to mention the bizarre things people might do to continue using those energy hogging incandescent light bulbs.

From a Business Week article, on January 1, 2013 traditional incandescent 75 watt bulbs were phased out. The phasing out of traditional 100 watt incandescent light bulbs in January 2012 ignited panic, making consumers take some wacky actions. 

Home Depot reported a 20 percent spike in sales of 100 watt bulbs for 2011, as people rushed to stockpile for the future. At least one Ohio woman made sure to squirrel away enough bulbs to last 50 years. This time around, however, shoppers seem more relaxed. Bill Hamilton, president of light bulb merchandising at Home Depot, says, “Customers are beginning to embrace the new technology.”